"I am 42 years old, with a graduate degree. I am one of the lucky ones. I work three jobs. I am a teacher, an interpretr, and a braille processor. I work as much as I can because I am the sole support of my household, and I am the only one with health insurance. We live paycheck to paycheck. I am lucky, but I too am part of the 99%"
Why desire for economic security is not being met- She works 3 jobs and has a graduate degree, yet still lives paycheck to paycheck.
More fair situation- Improved health care plans and even taxing (between the 99% and the 1%).
Relates to social class- This woman most likely used to think that hard work and degrees would make her successful in the world, but even 3 jobs and a graduate degree is not enough for her to provide for her family.
Chose this image- I chose this image because its scary to think that people as successful as this woman struggle in the world.
"My name is Abby. I am a highschool student, turning 18 in seven months. Never before have I been more ashamed or frightened to be an American. We need to change this before we all crash and burn. Do your part, occupy EVERYWHERE."
Why desire for economic security is not being met- Frightened to be an American adult because the economy is so shaky.
More fair situation- Occupying will help demand economic rights like equal taxing between the rich and the poor.
Relates to social class- Students think that with proper education and hard work, they will do okay in the real world. But, this is hardly the case.
Chose this image- I chose this image because it shows how scared students are to become an adult enter the real world. This girl is ASHAMED to be an American, all because of the economy.
Why desire for economic security is not being met- She cannot pay off her student loans and does not feel like she is providing the best life for her sons.
More fair situation- Improved child support benefits (benefitting the many, not the few), improved student loan systems.
Relates to social class- This mom also thought that hard work and education would make her successful. Now she realizes that one unexpected expense can push her off the edge and force her to live paycheck to paycheck.
Chose this image- I chose this image because I think it shows that the American Dream is not achievable for many people. Even if people try incredibly hard to receive education, it still may not be enough.
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